At Infinita our business is data: Collecting, processing, storing, and most important understanding and acting upon it. Our specialties are Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, and we provide end-to-end solutions using cutting edge technologies to provide high reliability, fast performance and scalability.

Big Data & Algorithms solutions
Custom algorithms
Machine Learning ,Deep learning ,Reinforcement learning , Data Science, Predictive analytics Data and Process Mining,
Applied Mathematics and Optimization Algorithms
Big Data, clusters handling and cloud computing, On-Prem Architecture, Cloud Architecture, Fog Architecture and Hybrid architectures
Main Technologies
Python - Pandas, Numpy, SKlearn , NLTK ,etc.
Spark - Scala,Pyspark MLlib, SQL, Streaming.
SQL - Hive, Impala etc.
Deep Learning - TensorFlow , Keras , PyTorch
ElasticSearch, Logstash, Kibana
Java , Scala

Royi Itzhak, Ph.D
Head of Algorithms
and Data Science
Holds a Ph.D. in applied math. World class expert in deep learning, machine learning , data mining ,computer vision and artificial intelligence. Leveraging on vast hands-on experience , combined with academic research background, Royi designed and managed numerous projects with AT&T, Fiverr, HPE, banks , transportation and military technology companies

Ehud (Udi) Tsivion, Ph.D.
Data science Team Leader
I use computers to research complicated problems and reduce them into simple models which capture their essential aspects, suggesting creative ideas of how to solve them. My academic background is physical chemistry, where I've studied hydrogen storage (as postdoc) and the stability of some very exotic noble-gas molecule (as graduate). My studied have been published in top-of-the-line chemistry journals.

Ishay Kaplan
Data science Team Leader
Has an experience of 15 years as SW engineer in companies like Amdocs, AT&T and more. In the last 4 years work with Dr. Royi Itzhak on ML and big data projects. The job includes end to end design and implementation of ML algorithms from POC to production phase